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As his career winds down, Clint comes home
Posted by Tony on 14th April 2018 at 13:50:51
In response to "ODI debut CJ McKay (Australia)" posted by Tony on 5th November 2009 at 23:17:47
It was a great pleasure to see and hear Clint interviewed at last nights NWMCA senior presentation night, covering his strong ODI career, single test match, the expansion of shorter form cricket, and the strong family roots at the heart of our old neighbours Pascoe Vale Central Cricket Club, another of his near contemporaries being a significant award recipient on the night.

While my own relationship with Essendon Cricket Club has been far from what I might have liked, it was still good to hear Clint's fond recall of the efforts they made to develop his cricket talent after the standard Melbourne distraction of footy and that he will be back as their captain in the coming season.

Also a nod to regular compere Ian Coutts's job interviewing Clint as they hadn't previously met.

And good that Clint endorsed the long form as still being the primary aspiration for most players.

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"ODI debut CJ McKay (Australia)" - Tony 23:17:47 05-Nov-09
As his career winds down, Clint comes home - Tony 13:50:51 14-Apr-18
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