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Welcome to the home of TransForum
Posted by Tony on 23rd March 1999 at 21:28:44
If you have found this place, I trust you already know enough about threaded forums and cybercommunities that you are no longer looking for detailed instructions. The purpose of this place is to provide a home for general ongoing public discussion of TransForum ... those things which are over and above the concerns of specific TransForums and the technical, marketing and business issues involved in making TransForum the system of choice for hosting substantial cybercommunities.

There is a lot to tell. TransForum has a rich heritage and this early version provides little more than the core functionality of a system which is designed to grow in step with the growing needs of the communities we serve. Filling in the details will be a core activity of this TransForum. For now, what matters is to accelerate the roll out ... something I am particularly reminded of today by my mother's 74th birthday and the reminder that provides that I have few things to get done in the next year.

Tony Smith, TransForum developer
This is as good a place as any to contact me

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Welcome to the home of TransForum - 21:28:44 23-Mar-99
In 2007 you can pretend TransForum is my blog - 11:57:09 21-May-07
Putting you in the picture - 21:57:17 23-Mar-99
Please register your nickname with a password - 21:50:56 23-Mar-99
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