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What to do with 5 years of daily diary?
Posted by Tony on 9th April 2013 at 01:53:31
The middle of next week will be the fifth anniversary of my mother's death and the day I started a daily diary with the initial purpose of making me answerable to something for what I was doing with every day more precious time. But I'm now convinced that five years is enough because in that five years no end of things have changed. Back then in the middle of publishing Too Many Tears, few of the things that matter today were even blips on the horizon. Today much of the daily trivia or, hopefully, more constructive thoughts goes to Twitter or Yammer. I've even finally trusted my ridiculous meeting schedule to the cloud via OSX and iOS Calendar apps, although they don't (yet?) provide reliable history.

Within that five years, I started and have recently paused four years intense cellular automata data gathering. I got sucked deeply into local community concerns, firstly on the Moonee Ponds Creek and in Brimbank and more recently at Cumberland River, plus the networks that extend from all of those. Bill Hall and I took over organisation of Emergence Meetup which begat Kororoit Institute. Contacts initially made through Atheists Meetup with Adam Ford in particular revived my late 1980s interest in Transhumanism and the ease of digital photography pushed me toward the greater demands of video. Meanwhile I've kept making specific presentations in various places while taking an ever increasing interest in the problems of urban planning and community engagement. Even more recently these have entangled me in Hub Melbourne and plans for Footscray Maker Lab. I've even used free seniors travel as excuse for some quite extensive explorations, while phasing out the Braeside commute which had long (for me) provided sustenance. And they are just the headlines. It might have been quicker to list the few things which have stayed roughly the same.

Now back to my original question. I have averaged around 500 words a week providing daily summaries of events which did not justify some larger entry either here or somewhere else appropriate. Too often, I've let it go enough to have to reconstruct a week from outward email and other records, but the writing was clearly on the wall when it took until the weekend just gone to finally fill in a gap left in the first week of March, one week within a longer period that had fortunately been so busy that it was impossible to forget. So I really will wrap this up at five years and scatter backups in appropriate places, but I'm far from ready to try to go through and do the systematic clean up that would be the minimum needed for it to be tolerable to others. That doesn't mean I'm closed to suggestions.

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What to do with 5 years of daily diary? - Tony 01:53:31 09-Apr-13
Restart - Tony 23:55:53 12-Mar-14
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