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Better than expected
Posted by Tony on 8th October 2011 at 11:26:34
In response to Collingwood might want to tank this week too posted by Tony on 6th September 2011 at 14:58:45
With respect but no love for both grand finalists, I got far more involved than I could have imagined, I'm certain just because it was a genuinely good game and I had somehow developed a marginal lean towards the now unquestionably great team that would get away a bit at the end after more than three quarters in real contention.

A couple of weeks earlier at the same venue the ticket allocation system put me directly behind an area I had owned during final series in my teens when public sales were from MCG windows with full transparency as to which sections you could buy at which windows and freedom to camp out as long as necessary to be at the front of the queue.
360° panorama from Q2 before Hawks v Swans
Installed in Q2 in the personally transformative year of 1964 I found myself hoping unsuccessfully for a Pies win, especially after Ray Gabelich's famous run straight towards us.

I should also note that the pic was produced by Micro$oft Photosynth, available free from the App Store and a second sign, after Kinect, that some corners of the fading M$ might be finally getting a clue about usability.

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Collingwood might want to tank this week too - Tony 14:58:45 06-Sep-11
Better than expected - Tony 11:26:34 08-Oct-11
Correction to an aside - Tony 15:41:17 06-Sep-11
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