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A quote that says it all
Posted by Tony on 13th November 2003 at 19:55:06
This paragraph, plucked from a long ago acquaintance's intriguing book, concludes with some succinct words that neatly summarise my reasons for TransForum, and which I am tempted to quote more widely:
'I don't think it,' (Marilyn Webb) replied. 'I know. When you are brought up the way I was, so much part of nature, you see yourself differently. You don't understand yourself in isolation. I know the shape of my life. It's been a good one. I've travelled to a lot of places, and known interesting people. I've always realised that you have to rely on others: you can't just be an island. It's not the knowing of things that's important, but telling other people about that knowledge.'
Rothwell, Nicolas, 2003, p.219, Wings of the Kite-Hawk
Marilyn Webb came to that perspective through a very different life, born on a far outback cattle station with "Eastern Aranda women who helped grow her up."

I had to eventually learn to see past my prejudices rooted in the unnatural simplifications of a comfortable upbringing in WASPish Melbourne suburbia before I could accept that I did not exist in isolation, but rather as part of an ongoing process of telling others. That perspective embodies a certain knowledge beyond faith, and a confidence that my life has been well lived.

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A quote that says it all - Tony 19:55:06 13-Nov-03
Re: A quote that says it all - Eric 15:06:50 15-Nov-03
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