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My twice a winter big cook up
Posted by Tony on 14th October 2013 at 00:37:15
In 2013 "winter" extended to May and October, the constraints being finding a week in which I can have a main meal each day at home and finishing freezer full of extra serves before refilling, as well as having enough hours on consecutive days to prepare and cook big batches of savoury mince and vegetable soup.

Cooking ingredients:
(savoury mince only)
1.25 Kg mince steak
2 cobs corn
2 eggs
wholemeal flour
(half and half)
1 Kg bag of carrots
1 head of celery
4 large brown onions
2-3 capsicums in assorted colours
(soup only)
large parsnip
large turnip
large swede
half a smallish cauliflower (find use for other half before or after)
Herbs and spices to taste. Need Venn diagram here, some for one or other or for both.

Serving accompaniments:
(divide across 4 fresh mince serves)
500 g grated tasty cheese
250 g sour cream
Iceberg lettuce (one large leaf chopped per serve, always on hand)
Copious orange juice (insurance against chilli mismeasurement)
(both fresh)
Packet of thin wraps (always too many for mince so chop balance with soup in lieu croutons)
(This year square rye wraps but can vary)
(fresh soup and both frozen)
Grated parmesan
(frozen mince, half and half)
wholemeal small spiral pasta
brown rice
croutons freshly toasted from frozen square multigrain bread (always on hand)

Dedicated equipment:
Older food processor with grater for carrot for mince and slicer for most everything else
2 large double handle pots, wider for mince, deeper for soup
2 x 2 L & 1 x 4 L icecream containers
18± 500 g Nuttelex (square) margarine containers
Swimming goggles (for peeling and cutting onions, also used for swimming underwater/laps)
(plus a range of common use utensils)

Day one:
Steam corn cobs, strip off kernels and put aside
Grate half carrots and slice other mince vegetables, boil in plenty of water with intersection herbs/spices
(Use outer 8 or so sticks of celery and fatter carrots)
Add mince making sure it is well broken up
Ladle off almost all the resulting stock via strainer into 4 L container and put aside
Add mince-only herbs/spices
Stir in eggs
Stir in corn kernels
Sift and stir in enough flour to just absorb remaining water
Take first serve direct from pot (with wrap, cheese, sour cream, lettuce, juice)
After pot cools sufficiently, ladle mince into 2 L container (3 serves) and maybe 7 500 g containers (2/3 full)
After any further necessary cooling move 4L and 2 L containers to fridge and others to freezer

Day two:
Skim any fat from stock and discard
Pour stock into soup pot
Peel and chop/slice parsnip, turnip, swede and add to stock pot, rinsing in last pieces to add water
Add soup-only herbs/spices and heat to boiling
Slice remaining carrots and chop/slice inner celery, capsicums and onions, add to boiling pot
Divide half cauliflower into small (1 cm) florets, add late to boiling pot
Take first serve directly from pot (with chopped wrap, parmesan0
After pot cools sufficiently, ladle soup into 2 L container (3 serves) and maybe 11 500 g containers (full)
After any further necessary cooling move 2 L containers to fridge and others to freezer

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My twice a winter big cook up - Tony 00:37:15 14-Oct-13
Winter in December - Tony 14:58:55 15-Dec-14
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